Drivers ADVANCE61

The following products are supported and will work with macOS Catalina 10.15 without any need for additional drivers. Advance 25. Advance 49. Advance 61. AFX; AMX; APC20; APC40; APC40 mkII; APC Key 25; AMX; EIE; EWI USB - (see latest version of ARIA player below) Fire; LPD8. LPD8 Wireless. LPK25. LPK25 Wireless. MAX25. MAX49. MIDI Mix. Check out the How do I download and install the VIP software for my Akai Advance keyboard? Page at Sweetwater — the world's leading music technology and instrument retailer! Akai Professional’s Advance Keyboards is like nothing else you’ve ever played. All three models—the Advance 25, Advance 49, and Advance 61—give you unprecedented playability and unrestricted manipulation of any virtual instrument with our exclusive interactive, full-color display, complemented by performance-friendly hardware controls. The Advance 61 gives you unprecedented playability and unrestricted manipulation of any virtual instrument with our exclusive interactive, full-color display, complemented by performance-friendly hardware controls.

Corporate and Fleet Driver Safety Training — Defensive & Advanced Driving Courses

Do you want the safest, research-based and global best-practice compliant driver training? If so, we are by a very large margin the only choice.

Our courses are designed for businesses with fleet or executive drivers, for bodies such as state governments, and also for chauffeurs. The courses will be held in any town or city that our clients request. We offer only the highest standards of training, in order to provide your people with an accuracy of information and proven techniques that are dramatically ahead of our competitors, and which therefore facilitate the maximum level of safety as an outcome.

Please be aware that all of our behind-the-wheel training takes place on public roads in a “live traffic” situation because not only is the widest-possible range of challenges and potential hazards crucial to learning the full picture of truly safe driving but four decades’ worth of top research from around the world has shown that one of the alleged alternatives, of doing vehicle handling “skills” such as evasive-swerve maneuvers and skid-recovery training create a higher risk of crashes after the training, rather than lower. Does that sound unbelievable? Everybody thinks so at first – myself included (a long time ago!) – but the overwhelming evidence of empirical research shows it to be indisputable.


Nor do we teach just a handful of ‘secrets’ or tips. If done for maximum safety, driving is an involved task so we teach the big picture to help drivers cope with whatever they encounter.

Please take a moment to view our post ‘Categories’ and ‘Archives’ (on the right-hand sidebar), and look through the growing mass of free information they contain, but be aware that even those articles are just scratching the surface of the research-driven knowledge and methods we cover on our courses, all backed, wherever applicable, by global best-practices.

Courses, Seminars, and Durations

Driver Safety Seminars . . . . . Half-day or full-day seminars at any suitable location, to address driver or traffic-safety topics that you, the clients, have selected, or which ADoNA will help you choose. These seminars are led by a subject matter expert and can involve large audiences at such events as your annual conference, while everyone is together — a huge timesaver, with our focus as always on relevant research and best practices. You will be astonished about how much proven information your team has never been taught and how much of what everyone has been taught as drivers has actually been inadequate or even dangerously inaccurate.


Safety Basics: One day. Some useful gains in safety but limited by course duration . .[15*]

Defensive Driving: . . . . . . . . . . .Two days. Day 1 in classroom setting, Day 2 ‘behind the wheel’. . . . .[12*]

Bronze Advanced Driving: . . . Three days. Day 1 in classroom setting, Days 2 & 3 ‘behind the wheel’ [6*]

Silver Advanced Driving: . . . . .Five days. Day 1 in classroom setting, Days 2-5 ‘behind the wheel’. . [3*]

Gold Advanced Driving: . . . . . .By arrangement, and only following “Silver” qualification.

Chauffeur ‘Safe & Smooth’: .. .The above courses, suitably adapted.

Remedial Driver Training: . . . For drivers who’ve had a crash, near miss or ticket. As required by the client.

The numbers in [x*] parentheses, above show the maximum number of trainees per week. See ‘Footnote’, below.


The ‘Bronze Advanced Course’ has proved to be by far our most popular in recent years. It differs from the ‘Defensive Driving’ course primarily in that the latter, due to limited driving time on Day Two of just over two hours for each of the three drivers, can only be seen as reinforcing the practical basics, as will have been discussed earlier that week in the classroom session. It therefore does not result in a full, individual assessment, as this would be too much to ask of the trainees. The ‘Bronze’ course, however, doubles the driving time per trainee and allows the development of ‘commentary driving’ which is of immense benefit in what is now called the Risk Awareness and Perception Training (RAPT) element. Rather than just teaching the basics it allows more time for each person to show what they have absorbed, plus more time for the instructor to target the crucial area of ‘attitude’ and also tailor the training to each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, it allows far greater appraisal of each trainee and a detailed, individual written assessment at the end of the course, to serve as a reminder of weak areas on which to concentrate, as well as a confirmation of stronger skills that should and can be maintained. The end result of a ‘Bronze’ course is a much stronger foundation on which any driver can build.

Please be aware we strongly advise that supervisory management personnel undertake a course at least one level higher than that which is to be done by their direct reports or other downline personnel, in order that subsequent monitoring can take place. This most often would mean a ‘Silver’ course for managers and a ‘Bronze’ course for their direct reports. (Please note, however, that even passing a ‘Gold Advanced Course’ does not qualify a successful trainee to teach others, and — dare we say — far too many so-called driver trainers in the USA are pitifully under-trained and under-qualified; one thing you will not get from ADoNA.)

With the exception of certifying attendance on a “Safety Basics” or “Defensive Driving” course, we do not guarantee a “pass” at any selected level of advanced driving course. Clearly, with driving, people have very different abilities. As a matter of our own integrity and to maximize the value of our courses to clients, trainees finishing a course will be recognized with the relevant level of achievement for their specific performance. Thus, even though relatively rare, it is entirely possible that a person ends up with a “pass” at a lower or higher level than that of the selected course.

Drivers advance 61 driversDrivers

If eco driving is something of particular importance to your corporate ethos, you can be confident in the knowledge that it underpins everything we teach.

We also undertake remedial training for any of your drivers who have had one or more collisions, one or more speeding or other tickets, or — commonly — have had near misses or other inappropriate incidents recorded against them by telematics or dash-cameras, or complaints from other drivers.


To get some insight into the standards you are guaranteed in our ADoNA courses, please view the résumé of our CEO & Chief Instructor, which we strongly invite you to compare in-depth with those from any potential competitors.

Courses for Individuals

Drivers Advance 61 Hp

Regretfully, because of typically unworkable logistics, we are no longer able to offer courses for private individuals unless it is booked for a minimum of a three-day course (i.e. Bronze Advanced) for three trainees at one venue.


Numbers above, such as [6*], represent the number of trainees that one instructor can train in a single, five-day week if all of them attend the initial classroom training day and then split into threes for the driving days. So, for example, for a ‘Bronze’ course, all six would attend the classroom course on the Monday, then three would do their driving days on the Tuesday and Wednesday, and the other three would do their driving on the Thursday and Friday. This is designed to be more cost-effective for our clients, rather than having a separate classroom day for each three trainees.

Further Information

A large number of our blog posts contain information about our courses — either significant or tangential. To access these, please go to the ‘Search’ box at the top, right-hand corner of any page on this website, and simply enter the word courses.

Drivers Advance 61 Drivers

Please note that for e-mail enquiries (below) regarding possible corporate, military, law enforcement and governmental training, we request the name of the organization, your job title, business e-mail address and preferably a business telephone number (not compulsory), please.

Akai Advance 61 Firmware
